Our restaurant is located in the center of West Palm Beach, close to City Place, Palm Beach Island, Palm Beach Convention Center, Kravis Center, Palm Beach Atlantic University PBA, and Interstate 95 (I-95) on 2118 Okeechobee Blvd. between Congress Ave. and Church St. in West Palm Beach.
From I-95:
Take exit 70 (Okeechobee Blvd), go west on Okeechobee to the second traffic light (Church St.) pass the light and make U turn on your immediate left. Anita’s Mexican Grill restaurant is located on your right hand side, next to the gas station in the corner of Plaza Interstate 95. Phone (561) 296-1474.
From City Place:
Go West on Okeechobee Blvd about 2 minutes to Church St. (Church St is the second light after you pass I-95). Pass Church and make U turn on your immediate left. Anita’s Mexican Grill restaurant is located on your right hand side, next to the gas station in the corner of Plaza Interstate 95. Phone (561) 296-1474.
From Palm Beach Island:
Just cross the bridge and go straight on Okeechobee about 5 minutes to Church St. (Church St is the second light after you pass I-95). Pass Church and make U turn on your immediate left. Anita’s Mexican Grill restaurant is located on your right hand side, next to the gas station in the corner of Plaza Interstate 95. Phone (561) 296-1474.
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